You Are Loved

During darker times in life we can begin to question our worth and we may even question why we are here. If you are facing one of these times, I invite you to find a way to sources of truth.

I invite you to a reality in which we are all broken. This brokenness can cause us to want to run and hide dark parts of who we are, and stay isolated because of our shame and guilt. However, when we can accept that we are all broken, this brokenness doesn’t have to make us less and feed us lies that we aren’t enough. Instead our brokenness can actually be what invites us to be more whole… Not perfect people, but people with scars… People who can offer healing when we share the reality of our humanness/brokenness and invite others into authentic relationship. Invite grace to cover your broken and hurting places. Experience the freedom that comes not with being perfect, but being a work-in-progress.

When life is difficult and circumstances are grim-remember your worth has not changed. You are loved. You matter. When you feel distant from this truth lean in and seek truth. Healing from these difficult places is a possibility.

