Every Interaction Matters

There is just something about a sunrise that is captivating. The sunlight pierces through the darkness of the early morning sky in those first few moments of the dawn.

Because of the light we are able to see the wonders of God’s creation. Some of those wonders include the breath-taking views we are lucky enough to witness, but it also includes those people that surround you. Look at all of the footprints in the sand. Think of how many paths you cross in just a single day. God orchestrates the crossing of courses for a purpose. Every interaction matters. He can use you to shine His light on this side of heaven and let others get a glimpse of what His love looks like, if you let Him.

#everyinteractionmatters #shineHislight 


Seeing With Your Heart

Helen Keller shared, “Better to be blind and see with your heart, than to have two good eyes and see nothing.” As we slow to consider how we see the world around us, Helen’s quote may challenge us to consider how we interact with people and our environment. Many of us do not understand a world without sight, and in this quote we are invited to be thoughtful about how this gift may even keep us from choosing love and kindness.

In what ways may you need to choose to let go of judgment and instead lead with your heart and love? Loving ourselves, others, and the creation around us will open up new ways of engaging in the world.


Hills and Valleys

Sometimes you are on top of the hill, and sometimes you are down in the valley. Either way, no matter where you are at, God’s got your precious life in His hands. He is always good and faithful, and He is always with you. The God of the hill is still the God of the valley.

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