The Defeated Heart

We have likely all been there. Feeling defeated and hopeless, we may ask “why try” or we may feel we have nothing to offer/give. We may want to run or hide from reality using escapes such as drinking, drugs, sex, or anything we can find to numb our emotions and avoid the dark feeling inside.

During these times, it can be hard to find a reason to keep fighting for ourselves.  So, what do we do when we feel this amount of despair?  God invites us to cry out, to let Him hear the depths of our pain and to give voice to our feeling of despair.

This can be terrifying!  Looking at that darkness and acknowledging the pain and the difficulties can feel overwhelming. We may fear that by looking at “it,” it could overcome us.

It takes tremendous courage to confront that hopeless and defeated feeling. Often when we confront these things we wind up feeling worse before we feel better. But as we do confront those feelings, even when doing so makes us anxious and frightened, we may also see the fear that masked all this yuck inside was actually creating the ongoing pattern of pain and hurt. When we have the courage to face our internal yuck, we begin to experience freedom from the patterns that have kept us emotionally trapped.

Again… it takes tremendous courage.  Be courageous and hear this today… you ARE worth the fight!