Seeking Peace & Quiet

Our world constantly invites us to pay attention to stimulus. Notifications on our phones (email, social media, texts, calls), staying up-to-date with the latest that’s happening all around the world through media or social media, and an endless list of to-dos are just a few things that beg for our brain power each waking moment.

So where can we intentionally seek out peace in our lives? Just a few simple suggestions can benefit our brains by giving down time to process significant moments that have happened each day. Try:

  • Turning off the radio while driving
  • Setting boundaries
    • Turning off social media or email notifications on your phone
    • Choosing specific times to mute your phone completely like at meal times
  • Spending time in prayer
  • Being selective about what news media you take in by getting your news by newspaper or online and reading only those stories of interest instead of taking in everything that’s presented on television.
  • Taking a walk in nature
    • Noticing wildlife
    • Watching a sunset/sunrise
    • Being near water or other nature that invites peacefulness for you
  • Setting aside time for journaling, meditation or a yoga practice
  • Experimenting with silence and noticing what happens inside for you as you don’t give into distraction

Be creative and note what helps you slow down and check in with yourself most effectively. Notice the difference of creating space compared to seeking out more stimulus if you feel bored. Then take note of what happens to you as you seek out time to just be.