Allowing Love

There are times in life when we feel defeated. We feel unlovable… unworthy… insignificant. We seek to see if anything good within us remains. These times may follow transition and loss, or decisions we regret and can’t undo.

It is humbling to soak in the image of our Heavenly Father patiently waiting for us to turn our tear stained faces toward Him, and be welcomed with His loving embrace… even in our brokenness. It is hard to imagine that His perfect love for us does not waver in these dark and broken times. It may be even more difficult to believe that as we seek forgiveness, we are separated from those unspeakable parts of us-as far as the east is from the west.

In the midst of difficult circumstances God’s steadfast love remains. His love doesn’t fluctuate with our emotions or ability to soak in our worth. His love doesn’t even go away when we’ve gotten it “wrong.” He grieves when we are trapped by the lies that we are unlovable or unworthy. His death on the cross beckons us to be awakened to our worth. He sacrificed His life because you matter that much!

God chose love. He chose us. What might it mean for us to allow this kind of transforming love? How might we need to loosen our grip on the negative thoughts and choices that keep us defended and frozen from action, and instead seek reconciliation with God and others? How can we start allowing the persistent love of our Heavenly Father to penetrate our broken hearts? If our Creator places this inherent, incredible value on us, what would it be like to allow this in just a bit more? To let in that we really do matter?

Even in our brokenness, we can choose love. Love of self and the grace to begin again. An everlasting love that we can’t earn, but that is given as our personal gift from God. We reflect on how we may share this love with others who carry their own story of brokenness. Instead of getting caught up in competition with one another or having to be shamed by our past failures, we can release judgments, seek forgiveness, and choose to love ourselves and one another as our Creator chooses to love us.

Allow love. Chose love today.