One Step at a Time

It can feel safe to “blend into the crowd.” However, when we try to fit in and not get noticed, we often aren’t honoring ourselves or those we are in relationship with either. It can be scary to try something new and different. Just like a baby taking their first steps, we may be scared wondering if we will fall, and when we do, how much it may hurt.

Whether the new thing we are wanting to do includes:

  • speaking up in conversation
  • applying for the school you want
  • changing jobs
  • having a family
  • traveling to somewhere you’ve never been
  • reaching out to a friend/pastor/counselor for help when we are encountering problems in life
  • beginning a relationship or distancing from an unhealthy relationship

…or perhaps many other possibilities, it may feel overwhelming to commit to a big goal.

Taking that first step is one of the most difficult parts of the journey. We often feel pressure (internally and/or externally) to have success instantly, or within a determined time frame.

When you feel overwhelmed, reduce the pressure and anxiety by breaking down new tasks into smaller steps.  Then we can focus on the next step instead of having to take all the steps toward that successful goal at once. When we find the courage to take the first step, we can build confidence to take the next step, and/or learn from that step (regardless if we are successful or unsuccessful).

With the courage to take one step at a time, we can shift the way we move through the world. We can slowly nurture and develop the gifts we carry with us. We can also relieve the pressure of having to get everything right, but instead invite grace into our journey. As we pay attention to our strengths and opportunities for additional growth without harsh judgment, we are freed up to achieve more and recognize that we can find a way. We just never know what may be lying on the other side of that first step. Don’t let fear block out your unique opportunity to live and impact those around you!

