The Value of Tears

Tears are draining. We can work hard to fight against them… wanting to push away the hard stuff to run toward the good, but the reality remains that sometimes there are things in life that just demand our attention and our grief. We can spend time avoiding using coping skills that violate our intrinsic value (drinking, drugs, self-harm, self-hatred), or choose another path. A path towards healing. This path includes facing and allowing our pain so we can be transformed and be refined. Does it hurt? Absolutely. Will you have an opportunity to see life in new ways and live life in a more full way? Yes.  You have the chance to turn this deep pain into a refining journey and fight against the heavy load that drags you down. You may feel defeated and be tempted to give up. On these days just doing the next thing is enough. Take things one day, one breath, at a time as you find your way to healing.

Reach out to those who can encourage you on the darkest of days. Allow the tears to come-they bring emotional and physical healing through the release of endorphins (feel good hormones) and decreasing our stress hormones.

“Blessed are those who mourn: they shall be comforted.” —Matthew 5:4

