
What comes to mind when you think of prayer?

We may first think of how we learned about prayer in a church. Perhaps your exposure to prayer was very formal or informal… Based on what we have been taught our idea of prayer may have many forms.

When you think of prayer, you may think of creating space to pray at meal time, bed time, or at church. Perhaps you’ve distanced yourself from prayer after you’ve found yourself face-to-face with such difficult circumstances you believe there’s no way God can exist… Maybe in time when you’ve felt nothing else seems to work, in desperation you start a conversation wondering even as you speak if your Creator could be listening?! And if your Creator is listening, then why am I experiencing (fill in the blank with your current turmoil)???

I remember a time when I thought of prayer as something that happened only at set aside times. This was helpful in some ways, however there is freedom and connection to realize there isn’t a specific way, or a time, or any “rules” I have to abide by. Instead I view prayer as a conversation. I view prayer as seeking to be in relationship with my Creator. I can cry out, I can be grateful, I share the achings and longings of my soul, or I can just be silent. Prayer is now something that happens in the middle of a disagreement… or perhaps in the sweet tender snuggle of one of my little ones…. It happens in my commute to and from work… in the hectic moments and the quiet moments… God is after all present in all of these moments. He is listening and He is available to me-and you!

I don’t have to be something to come to the Lord. I have the freedom to come to Him with whatever is on my heart and mind. See, He knows it all anyway. This may feel invasive to some, but what’s amazing is He knows all our dark secrets and also holds the beauty in how He’s created each one of us as His children. He sees all and always loves us wholly.

Isn’t this a challenge to really soak in? How do we absorb that no matter what we do, where we’ve gone, what others may say about us… no matter how hard we may run… God’s always willing to welcome us into His arms! There may be times we find ourselves kicking and screaming at Him for the pain we can’t understand… or perhaps we are rejoicing for the amazing blessings we are encountering… Our circumstances and moods may fluctuate, but God’s love is unchanging. Persistent. Constant.

Prayer is an opportunity to be honest. We can be seen and embraced. We are loved because of and in spite of whatever we bring. We are chosen. We are loved. We are His beloved child.

Gods got you. He is with you. Now and forever you are loved and surrounded by his love and grace.

“Never stop praying.” 1 Thessalonians 5:17