
In our journey to maturing and growth, we often are taught about MORE. More education, more experience, more (fill in the blank). Paul Coelho invites a contrasting view when he shared, “Maybe the journey isn’t so much about becoming anything. Maybe it’s about un-becoming everything that isn’t really you, so you can be who you were meant to be in the first place.”

As you soak this in, what do you notice about your reaction? Perhaps you resist this statement, or are drawn to it? What I can appreciate about Paul’s statement is that it provokes thoughtfulness. It encourages an opportunity to reflect on how much we do in life that perhaps isn’t true to ourselves.

Take this moment to explore what your heart/soul longs for. What would you do if you followed the passion of your soul? Where do you thrive/excel? You have unique gifts that you’ve been given that you can bless the world. When we lean into these passions we can have an opportunity to come alive in a more full way within, as well as impact the world around us in a profound way.

Also spend time reflecting on what parts of life drain you. You may currently do things that take away from the opportunity to shine in your unique way. Maybe it’s time to ask others for help-or let go of some of these tasks completely. Feel the freedom that can come with being intentional about what you choose to do, and not do. Letting go of something that you have done for some time, but you don’t enjoy can be a breath of fresh air that can create a shift in your perspective. You also may create the space for passion to develop in surprising new ways… becoming “who you were meant to be in the first place.”