Fighting Through the Fog

Fog hinders our ability to see clearly in the natural world. When this physical trait in our environment impacts seeing our physical surroundings, we can get frustrated with all we know is there, but just not in sight at the time.

Just like fog hinders our view of our physical world, we may also encounter circumstances in life that can have the same blinding effect on our ability to see ourselves and our surroundings. When we face something that challenges our intrinsic value and worth, it can impact our ability to see good within or around us.

Exploring how to lift the fog in our personal worlds takes courage. Just taking time to acknowledge the challenges that have us questioning our worth can allow for some clarity. Knowing, “What happened that invited me into this place of confusion?” can bring a new perspective in the “fog.” When we can validate our struggle, we may also be drawn into a place of being able to remember the truth from the view we had prior to entering into this confusing place.

Or perhaps these foggy times have us pushing forward to discover a deeper sense of truth. When our old coping skills aren’t working in a new challenge, we may have an opportunity to reject the invitation to anchor our worth in “I am what I do, I am what I have, I am what others say about me” and instead beginning to understand new truth of who we are at our core.

You are the Beloved Child of God. Your worth is innate. You were knit together in your mother’s womb and there is a purpose for your life. If you are in the middle of a challenging time of life, you may find comfort in seeking out God’s word truth in the Bible, seeking out people who can reflect your worth to you, and allowing the pain to refine and “redefine” who you are. The pain and the process of walking through it can bring us to a new depth and stability.