My Darkness

My story is one that is hard. I shy away from telling it at times because I fear that others may feel somehow their own story doesn’t measure up to the darkness of my own. However, we all face our own version of the darkness and we have to find a way to battle through or it can overcome us and cause us to lose hope. Each of our stories matter. Telling our stories takes courage and God is present to each ache we feel.

My darkness came in the form of death. On October 9, 2007, I was delivered the news that my husband of over 3 years and my 5 ½ month old daughter’s father was gone. The way I received this news was what helped give me hope for the days to come and more death and darkness. As I sat in an Intensive Care unit’s nurse break room with my mother and father-in-law, my mother-in-law shared she just prayed to see an angel. In the moments that followed I had a conversation with God. You may be thinking, “Ok, now I know she’s crazy and why should I keep reading?” however, if nothing else maybe out of curiosity you will…

God told me, “I’m going to take my child now.” I could sense His presence above and in front of me and Paul’s spirit behind him. I replied with, “Ok.” But when I realized what I’d said, I replied with, “No, I want him back.” The Father simply said, “I will take care of you.” And He and Paul’s spirit were gone. Seconds later, a medical professional walked into the room to tell us that Paul was gone. I remember making my way to the waiting room where so many friends and family members were there waiting. I dropped to my knees proclaiming my status as a widow at the age of 25. These days were hard and so lonely. I had to choose to continue to push through even when I didn’t want to because my daughter needed me. To make the journey and darkness deeper, my brother, Cole Juhnke, died unexpectedly of hypothermia on January 24, 2008.

Our extended family has recently endured another blow of untimely death. My cousin, Kimberly Juhnke died suddenly leaving behind her 2-year-old son, Jack, parents, brother, nice, nephew and boyfriend. My heart aches again with the depth of loss I once felt so acutely. Now I feel it for the loss of my own that I recall, but also for the dark path I know they too will have to trudge. I have shared with them that I wish there is something I could say to make it easier, but the reality is the only message I can offer to bring comfort is that they are not alone. They don’t have to trudge this path without other loved ones who know the ups and downs and deep pain that comes with the journey. We don’t get to alleviate them from this painful journey, but we can share the hope that, in time, the pain will not be as intense as frequently. As we are charged with facing these dark places within, we can hold onto the hope that comes from those who have gone before. We can live with the hope of a heavenly Father who can walk alongside us, unaltered by our circumstances.  Whatever you may be facing-know you are not alone.

Psalm 23 (Good News Translation)

23 The Lord is my shepherd;
    I have everything I need.
He lets me rest in fields of green grass
    and leads me to quiet pools of fresh water.
He gives me new strength.
He guides me in the right paths,
    as he has promised.
Even if I go through the deepest darkness,
    I will not be afraid, Lord,
    for you are with me.
Your shepherd’s rod and staff protect me.

You prepare a banquet for me,
    where all my enemies can see me;
you welcome me as an honored guest
    and fill my cup to the brim.
I know that your goodness and love will be with me all my life;
    and your house will be my home as long as I live.


6 Replies to “My Darkness”

  1. I love you. I love Syd & I love the life that you’ve grown out of love. Waves of emotions are hitting me as I sit & read this. It seems like a lifetime away yet can so easily bring back painful & mixed emotions. I remember Jim Aamot telling me the news, the car ride with Arielle, my own husbands lack of compassion, you getting up to type your husbands obituary, the girls attempting to give Syd a bath in the bathroom sink, the prayer service & seeing Paul in the casket, Syd’s welcome into the church when they read God Gave Us You, the service. I could go on & on….I love the part you’ve shared about angels and feeling/knowing/hearing the presence of the Holy spirit. I know in my heart we’ll have funerals to attend of loved ones in the possible near future and I pray that I can use the memory of your strength, faith and determination to help others and myself through what I know will be difficult times ahead. Love you.

    1. Thank you for your awesome memories and great words, Vicki! You have been a friend through many joyful and sorrowful times. I love you and thank God you’ve been in my life.

  2. So hard to carry so much heartache, but impossible to let It go. We do need God & each other for strength &hope! My love compassion & prayers are with you!

    1. And you as well, Evie! You know this path all too well and I pray for showers of blessings in contrast to the darkness.

  3. What an inspiration you are…. my thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family….♥️🙏♥️

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