Prayers for Healing

Rylee Marie Photography


As some of you may have known, today was the original date that I had scheduled for my labrum repair surgery and then a few short days later I was scheduled to have my second surgery, the periacetabular hip osteotomy. Last fall I found out that I have hip dysplasia in both hips and a torn labrum in my right hip. Doctors told me I would need a hip replacement within the next 10 years, or I could elect to do these surgeries in order to postpone the hip replacement even longer. I experience at least some pain daily and they said it will continue to get worse with time, so I elected to do surgery as soon as I could get in. But last month I decided to push it back a few weeks, to the end of June. After surgery I will likely be on crutches for 12 weeks, and the entire recovery process is around 9 months long. And around 1/4 of patients like me end up having to do the same surgery on the other side, going through the process all over again.

Recently, my sister sent me a message that she has never seen so many things about healing, and how interesting it was that healing was being brought to her attention. She then proceeded to tell me that she believes God is going to heal me. When I first read that I actually laughed a little because I didn’t believe that could actually happen to me. The more we discussed it, the more I was starting to believe it could be possible. She told me that she felt like it would be through someone I am connected to, or through the prayers of many. She took action and started reaching out to people she knew, asking them for their prayers. She also mentioned how strange it was to be feeling this way, since she feels like it can be more challenging for her to pray those big prayers ever since God took her first husband away, even when there were so many people praying for him to be healed.

I have heard stories of other people being healed, but when I think about my own life, it is hard to fathom that happening. I have my doubts. But why would God choose to heal me? There are so many other people suffering from ailments, so why would God heal me instead of someone else that needs it or deserves it more than me? I feel like Peter when he stepped out of the boat and started walking on water towards Jesus, and when he became afraid, he started to sink. After Peter cried out to Jesus, He reached out to him and caught him. Jesus asked Peter, “you of little faith, why would you doubt?” I have asked God to remove the doubts in my mind, and to help me fully trust in Him. I do believe that God can heal me, but how He decides to do so, is for Him to know, and for me to discover. Whatever I go through, whatever God has planned for me, it will become a part of my story and have the possibility to impact someone else. No matter how my healing comes, whether it be through prayer before surgery even happens, or whether it be through the surgeon’s hands and the recovery process, God will receive the glory with the outcome. I have been reminded many times the last few weeks that God is able. I also read somewhere that with every prayer, something happens. So I will continue to pray, and I will continue to ask for prayers for healing.

Every prayer matters.

For anyone else praying for healing, this prayer was at the end of a devotional I read:
“Jesus, I thank you that you have both the power and authority to heal my body. I boldly come to you today to ask for your grace and healing power to be at work in my body. I trust that you are powerful and looking for an opportunity to show your power in my body.
Cause this sickness to leave my body in Jesus’ name. I break the power of stress and trauma and release your peace. I speak to every part of my body and say, “Be whole in Jesus’ name.” Function properly – the way God designed you to function.
Jesus, send your word and heal me today. You paid the price for my healing, so I trust that you are at work in me. Holy Spirit, fill every part of me with your supernatural presence. Drive out all that is not good, holy, and true. I receive the healing you have for me today, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”