Letting Go

Rumi is quoted as saying, “Life is a balance of holding on and letting go.” As you reflect on this you may be able to bring to mind many times in your own life in which you decided to hold on or let go, and the impact of these moments.

As this quote recognizes, there are times in life in which we must, or get to, let go. Sometimes circumstances are ones in which we prepare for the change (welcoming a baby, graduation, marriage, job transitions). We may be the one pursuing this shift, or perhaps life naturally leads us to this new season.  When we have time to prepare for these life changes, it can impact the way we let go.

While we have times we prepare for transitions, there are other times in life in which we aren’t given the opportunity to anticipate having to let go. We may abruptly have a loved one die, lose our job, lose a relationship… these unexpected losses can also impact our journey of letting go. We may feel we weren’t given the tools we needed to be able to release what we had, or we can find ourselves feeling stuck and bitter, or just at a loss for how to handle how to move forward with changes we are facing.

Whether you are on the verge of letting go, in the midst of the process, or looking back on an experience of releasing something or someone… be gentle with yourself. Transitions bring challenges and good. Accept the permission to grieve and celebrate. With change comes the natural process of coping with the losses that accompany all times of transition (whether anticipated or not). Find places where you can receive healthy support during this new season. Soak in the truth that transition times truly are times of growth and grieving both, and you will likely feel intensely both of these parts.

If you are spiritual, your faith journey can also be tested and transformed during this season (for good or bad). While we be left wondering “why” in the midst of transitions, we also have permission to cry out and give voice to the hard and good to a God who cares about the details of our lives. God is big enough to handle our thankfulness and our wrestling.

“Are not five sparrows sold for two cents? Yet not one of them is forgotten before God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows.” Luke 12:6-7