What’s Hanging in the Balance?


I have an aspiration to do something new and different-to branch out and begin speaking more and even dare to write a book. This absolutely terrifies me and excites me all at once. I feel as though there are a million reasons why I could talk myself out of this, and yet there are so many that urge me to take the risk and put “pen to paper,” or more accurately finger tips to the keyboard to begin formulating something to share with the world.

I share this because maybe you too have an aspiration in your heart. Something that equally scares and excites you. Something that connects your deep passion with a need in the world. And, just maybe, the lies in your head encourage you to keep quiet, saying this dream could never be a reality. But… perhaps you have an opportunity to take a step in the direction your heart is leading you in order to see if it really could be something that starts something new… if it is something you can continue to build on and work toward. What keeps you hiding in the shadows? What would it take to step out, into the light, and share your gift in a way that just might inspire or encourage another person?

In the words of Andy Stanley, “You have no idea what hangs in the balance of your decision to embrace the burden God has put on your heart.” When we are paralyzed by fear we just don’t know what we, or others, may be missing. Stepping out in faith, knocking on doors and stepping through those that open to follow the journey where our heart lead, takes tremendous courage. We can desire to stay safe and hidden away from potential failure, or we can risk falling flat on our face, getting back up again, and continuing to forge a path in the direction toward our soul’s passion. This provides an opportunity to gain access to doors we didn’t know existed because we haven’t tried before. I also appreciate Albert Einstein who is quoted saying, “A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.”

The ups and downs getting where we long to go is where life happens… and perhaps it’s when we dare to step out that we discover who we were really created to be….


“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11