Practicing Pause

Christmas day has already come and gone on the calendar, and if you are like many of us your sights are now set on New Year’s, which often means setting big goals to be the best version of ourselves. Before we push the accelerator to cruise to more demands, however, I would like to invite you to resist that urge and instead just pause. Take a deep breath. Notice this moment and what you can take in to appreciate NOW.

This invitation to pause and notice the present helps to slow the reel of never-ending thoughts that come at us. Invite yourself to notice the life that is happening all around you.

We may even choose to go a step further and resist the typical flood of thoughts and instead invite thoughts of gratitude. Examples of what we may notice when we exercise gratitude are something as simple as a sunny day… a conversation with a close friend… a warm cup of coffee… or a good book. We can experience joy in ways that are unique to our giftedness and belovedness (so what brings you joy may not be the same as your neighbor of family member). There is not a right or wrong way, but simply noticing and releasing any judgment we may be tempted to attach to the noticing. This act of giving ourselves permission to lean into what we find enjoyable can help us be healthy and encourage contentment within us, which can have a big impact on the journey ahead. Today notice the beauty in life, as well as within you…

If you have the courage to try practicing the pause, you may be so impacted by this simple act of self-care that you find yourself drawn to creating time to do this over and over in your daily or weekly rhythms of life. This intentionality can begin to shape a more peaceful way of moving into the world. When you feel overloaded and overburdened, perhaps come back to this invitation to let off the accelerator, and instead take time to put on the brakes (practice the pause) and soak in the beauty of the present once more. The beauty of nature. The beauty of those around you. The beauty of you and how you were so wonderfully created.


Your task in this moment is to do nothing… Embrace the beauty of you… the beauty of this moment.