To My One and Only Precious Life…

Dear one and only precious life, 

You’ve thrown me curveballs more times than I’d like to count. I’m standing at a crossroads once again-face to face with a challengeI couldn’t have seen coming. I’m starting to learn a trick or two about these trials we all must face, however… 

I’ve learned that while I have every right and opportunity to beat on God’s chest and beg for something different(and while God is big enough to handle this and I may even need to do this for a time)… I now know there are other paths that lead me to find a new way forward. 

I’ve learned that moving forward often means loosening the death grip I have on the reality I’ve come to know and that which feels comfortable. It means opening my handsand opening my heart to embracewhat I can in the giftof what is in this momentThere will never be a moment just like it. It’s ok that sometimes I’m grateful that I don’t have to relive some of the hard parts of this journey. I also see though, that there are other moments I want to just be able to pause and soak all the goodness out of it until it’s all used up. 

What I do get to do is choose to seek out the hopethat whatever comes, I have a Creator who’s walking with me. My God has promised never to leave me or forsake me. 

There are times I’m hurt… disappointed… and I wander… but wherever I find myself, if I listen close enough there is love. The love may be hidden in a bird’s song, a kind word, a smile, the sunrise… but in whatever form it comes in, it is an invitation from the Lord to find rest in Him while the battle rages on. On this path every tear I cry is gathered(Psalm 56:8) and deeply acknowledged and feltby a loving God that won’t let this pain be without a blessing in time as well. 

When I feel so completely alone and I feel I’ve come the end of myself… somehow it’s there I find a way to fly… Something I couldn’t see before reveals itself and provides a foundation to begin walking on… not on my own accord… and not void of all the challenges, but with a strength that endures in the storm. Sometimes it’s a strength that comes because I have the courage to ask for help. A strength that comes from releasing what isn’t mine to carry.  There is even strength in crying out… and acknowledging that I don’t know what my next steps should be… this can allow me to release what I wanted so desperately and instead begin to open my hands to what can be… even though it’s so different than what I imagined, had planned, or longed for before this challenge arose.

There’s beauty to be found in the ashes

So, my one and only precious life… I will continue to weather the storms… not from my own strength alone, but from a strength infused by my Mighty Helper who will never abandon me. Help from those around me and even nature that reminds with its seasons that there is a time for everything under the sun (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8). I will continue to seek out the hope that seems so far away in some of the darkest moments of this life, and yet claim the promiseof all that can be transformed for goodin an eternal light. 

With all my hope and strength,

The Beloved, Wounded Soldier

This letter is an opportunity to touch your own pain today. To find hope in whatever circumstances you are facing, but with an awareness we aren’t created to fight these challenging battles alone. If you have hope in a Creator, this can provide strength, or perhaps that help can come from a friend or professional. Know you are not alone in your struggles. 


*This picture was shared by my 12-year-old daughter who offered beautiful encouragement to her grandmother who is facing challenging circumstances. My prayer is it can also offer hope for you on your journey today.

“You have kept record of my days of wandering. You have stored my tears in your bottle and counted each of them.” Psalm 56:8