I’ve heard it said, “scars are tattoos with better stories.” This makes me smile a bit, but also recognize how true it can be. Scars remind us of something hard we’ve gone through and survived. Often the stories can feel easier to tell after we’ve found some version of healing and once we know the story turns out ok in the end. However, some of our wounds aren’t given attention to heal properly and may cause us ongoing pain.
When we endure a broken bone or other physical injury, it makes logical sense to get to a doctor to receive the treatment necessary to get us on the road to feeling better as quickly as possible. While it feels almost automatic to tend to these external wounds because they are easy to see, there are other wounds we experience in life that we may not be so eager to attend to-internal wounds. Because these kinds of wounds can be tucked away in our hearts and not so apparent to those around us, we can feel the need to mask this kind of pain. However, these attempts take their toll on us-not only emotionally, but even in our physical body.
When we are able to grant ourselves permission to acknowledge our heart pain, it can be scary at first. We may wonder if we allow this emotion if it will overwhelm us, or even if we will be able to get it to stop. We may also try to write off our problems thinking things such as, “What if someone thinks I’m weak?” “It’s not that big of a deal.” “Others have it so much worse than me.” In the heartbreaking moments of life when we experience the pain of rejection, hurtful words, consequences of actions we are ashamed of, or lies about being unworthy, it can take tremendous courage to reach out for the help to navigate a way forward.
If we find ourselves pulling back from participating in daily lives, being distant with our loved ones, or even hating ourselves, there is hope to get out of this dark cycle. Reaching out to a safe person, such as a counselor, who is able to be with us and acknowledge how challenging our circumstances are, can help us begin to find a path that leads us toward healing. Sharing our pain with someone we trust can begin to transform a painful injury (or injuries) into an opportunity to find healing. We can even begin to learn more about our own resilience and unique gifts. In time we can begin to shift our perspective from one of feeling hopeless, to a more hope-filled future ahead.
The wounds of life, both physically and emotionally can leave scars, but they do not have to define us and keep us locked away from a meaningful life. We can find renewed hope and depth to life through the healing journey. Unlock the healing in your life today by reaching out to find your new way forward. Whether you have a recent heart wound or a scar that’s been bothering you for years, it takes tremendous courage to seek out your safe space and find hope again. I encourage you to find your safe place, including the possibility of connecting with a therapist, to help you find that hope today.