

To share faith and hope in a life-giving way that invites you to recognize your own Belovedness and encourages you to shine right where you are.



Haley and Megan grew up as the fifth generation on their family farm in central South Dakota with their parents, Kent and Sandy and brother, Cole. They were instilled with an appreciation of the land and animals they cared for and are thankful for the supportive family and friends who helped them become who they are today.

Haley and Megan’s own deeper journeys began when death happened. In October 2007, Megan’s husband got sick and died a week later of Hantavirus. A few short months later in January 2008, their brother, Cole died suddenly from hypothermia. They were face to face with finding a way forward in a world that felt so different than prior to the deaths of their loved ones.



During the time of devastating losses, Haley was in her freshman year at The University of South Dakota. While pursuing a dental hygiene degree she ran track (five years) and played basketball (one year). Haley went on to work in the dental field for over four years when she felt God calling her to pursue an elementary education degree. While in school at Black Hills State University, she had the privilege of helping coach track and field at the collegiate level. She is currently looking forward to becoming a teacher and continuing to coach. She hopes to make an impact on young lives as she encourages them in their growth and development.

Haley has realized the importance of making her time count and seeks to enjoy life as much as she can while she is here. She has navigated a season of life in which she quit her job, went back in school as a non-traditional student, and made the decision to intentionally take time off from dating to grow in her faith. As she created time and space to draw closer to God, it was on her heart to begin blogging.



After the loss of Megan’s husband and brother she had a desire to learn more about the faith that was now not just something she did on Sunday morning,  but the way she was surviving something so much bigger than she thought she had power to live through. After a friend questioned her about her faith, she decided to learn more by attending Sioux Falls Seminary. She started by taking a class each semester for two years and then took the jump to become a full-time student and pursue a degree in counseling.

As a therapist she recognizes the tremendous courage it takes for someone to step into a therapy space to begin their personal healing journey by telling their story. It is a sacred opportunity when people choose to be authentic with the challenges in life and gain awareness about how acknowledging our pain can begin to free us from the trap of anxiety and depression.

Megan reflects on the time following the losses and remembers wondering if she would ever be happy again. She feels that both her and her sister’s story can bring hope to others who feel this hopelessness in the midst of current dark circumstances. Healing is a process, but is possible!



So often our world defines our success and our worth based on what we do, what we have, or what others say about us. Without intentionally seeking our deeper identity, we may stay stuck believing we are only the sum of our past mistakes.

You are the Beloved child of God. Even in your brokenness you are not abandoned and you are not too much. God’s love is enough to cover your deepest regrets and sorrows. He stands by us even when the world walks out.

Our prayer is that our writings can be one source of truth for your journey. We hope we can help you have the courage to face the challenges of life with the knowledge that you are not alone, and that your pain can be transformed and you can live life in a more full and free way. We long for this space to inspire you to draw closer to God by seeking Him whole-heartedly, as well as challenge you to want more from your life through embracing your unique gifts. We hope that you can begin to see God in everything.

It brings our hearts joy and excitement to join together as sisters to bring you Completely Broken Fully Loved!