Pursuing Your Passion

Through the ways we are uniquely and beautifully made, as well as our life experiences, we have the opportunity to share specific gifts with the world around us. As you spend time reflecting on this, what surfaces for you? Explore the gifts you can offer. Where does the world’s great need and your passion intersect?

This first step of awareness provides the path to opening up the journey to being intentional. We find ourselves setting goals that allow us to embrace new parts of ourselves, which can be exhilarating and scary both. As we add new goals to our days, we face a need to let go of those things that conflict or don’t align with our passion. This may be freeing (letting go of tasks that suck the life out of us), but also heartbreaking (as we may have to choose not to do things that are “good” but we don’t have the time and space for).

Be gentle with yourself on your journey. You will learn and grow as you go-from both successes and the failures.

“So then we pursue the things which make for peace and the building up of one another.” -Romans 14:19

Currently, I am blessed to be on the journey of pursuing my own passion, which includes the launching of Restoration Ranch, LLC. Through a partnership with the Ashley Arena near Pukwana, SD, I have been able to begin providing equine assisted psychotherapy.

As a prey animal, horses are a highly emotionally intelligent animal, and are able to provide insights into our own worlds. They provide an opportunity to experience healing and a way forward through relationship together. The ground work that takes place during time with the horses is a dynamic way of finding healing and a new way forward.

My prayer is that as Restoration Ranch grows in its ability to impact others, there will be an opportunity to purchase land and build a temperature regulated facility to operate in year round. Beyond counseling, I am also offering spiritual direction (space to explore your relationship with God), team building exercises, and retreat opportunities as well.

I’m excited to share my vision and pray it can encourage you to pursue your own passion!



We can so quickly get carried away by the demands of our day and easily lose sight of wonder. We are taught to “know” so much, and somehow in accumulating knowledge and believing we can “do” more, we may find ourselves lost and unable to  simply notice the world around us. We can miss the blessing of seeing the world through eyes of wonder.

As you begin today, take time to be present. What is the world around you showing you? Take time to notice the weather-not just if it is good/bad, but what is unique about the clouds, or the wind, or the sun? What do you notice about how other creatures are responding to the world?

How do you open your heart to blessings around you? The fact that we experience running water… a temperature controlled home with a touch of a button… the shelter of four walls, family and/or friends who can provide a helping hand… Let these blessings flow through you.

Today access those beautiful parts within yourself… allow the light in you to shine and touch those you come into contact with today. Each person has an incredible and unique story to tell-one that has been impacted by the generations before them. How do we honor the life before us as we greet or interact with another?

Those you come into contact today will be blessed through your eyes, your presence, or perhaps a kind touch. Just slow and notice whatever is “important” as you allow yourself to get lost in wonder today.


Today’s writing was inspired by my own wonderings lately, but also this beautiful video. If you have more time feel free to further get connected through it’s encouraging words!